I have mentioned in one of my post that my village is kind of remote. It is within 5km from Bangladesh border. The village has seen thousands of immigrants comming in during the Bangladesh war. After that nothing much changed for about few decades, although there are changes happening now since last 10 years.

It’s not just that the year 2020 had brought the need for remote office. I needed to work from home even before that. Software industry has been doing WFH since long time. I started my full-time in 2017 and wanted to continue doing work for few days while in being village during festivals and other home trips. So, this year I have decided to bulid a remote office in the middle of rice fields. After surveying whole village I have found a sweetspot where the internet connectivity is more than 5x the speed avaiable inside home.

It took few weeks of work to complete. Dad had helped a lot. The whole project has came out to be quite good. There is only one room. The natural wind and the open enviornment is so good that I feel like not going back to the city.