marriage between hardware and software

Software for the last few decades has been the driving force of many industries. Hardware has also got a faster and faster. But, it’s really the software which actually drove the innovation and productivity.

With the advent of smaller chips integrated into most of the objects we use in our daily lives, miniaturization and intergation of hardware has become important. New ideas are coming from each and every direction of our daily lives. From bulbs to electric bikes, what we are seeing is the application of software into chips. Markets are filled with these beautiful products. The best example would be Apple. Since its initial days only, the company has focused on building both hardware and softwares.

Google, Tesla, Huawei and many other major players are making their own chips (SOC). It seems like this decade is going to the good for building custom chips. There maybe a lot of options available in the market.

Personally, I would also like to see some increase in adoption of RISC-V. It can be a huge bet of smaller players even though there lesser tools available out there. The cost of making will be much more cheaper.

Due to 5G, the connection between devices is likely to explode more and more. There is a possibility that there mobile app like impact in embedded consumer electronics. Some of the effect we can already see in case of cars, bulbs, Alexa among many others. Out of genuine curiosity i have been working on one side project for our farming utility.